as many of you know I have had no good experiences with NEF's. BUT..i'm willing to give them one more chance, and that is if and only if I can find one chambered in .444 (NEF is the only one that has ever made a .444 single that I know of). What would you do? search until you find a factory chambered .444 OR buy a used .44 and hope for good accuracy and have it re-chambered? I'd like to find a factory chambered gun 'cuz it'd be cheaper. If I have a .44 mag that has marginal accuracy would re-chambering it to .444 marlin straighten it out? I don't really want a 445 supermag, as from what I can see it'd be a waste of my time and money, JMHO. You all probly don't like me no more as I don't particularly like NEF's, but oh well...