Howdy Trace,
I would have put 10' of #2-#3 chain on my #3 L/S O/S's
if I could have afforded it back in the old days.
Most of my #3 trap chains are about 8'
and since I use a drag which weighs 40-50 Lbs, {ie. a log,}
8' is enough.
I won't use stakes because they are just too much work.
Or light weight steel grapples because of a Coyote I found 1/4 mile from the set,
25 years ago,
all tangled up in freezing water with just his shoulders out of the water.
Lucky I found him, I would have lost my trap and I'll bet he spent a cold,
miserable last night. I have always felt sorry for him and I won't use a grapple.
A log big around as my leg and 6'-8' long will leave pleanty of drag mark and it WILL BE! nearby.
Now sometimes I will tie a trap solid with 'just enough chain'.
But My 100+ Coyotes traps which I dearly love,
are all rigged with about 800' of chain.
Guess I am getting old and set in my ways,
but where I trap it is 1/2 open and 1/2 wooded.
Real hard black clay dirt or chalk rock.
Heavy log drags work best here.
Luck and homebrew
{I used to be known as JacktheKnife}
Haven't been able to post in 2-3 years.
Howdy Coyotero, Bog sir, Asa and all my friends
The new software here must have let down its guard
and 'the Poet' has done snuck in!!!
the Poet