There are 'some' parts available. Hammers, triggers are no problem and other parts can be adapted. I broke a cylinder stop arm on one of my .22s and made one from a Cimmarron fit. It was a little to thick for the frame hole and notch in the cylinder and it was a simple matter to file it a bit narrower. While the Hawes (made by Sauer which ended up Sig-Sauer, then Sig) are well made guns, they seem to be selling around $300 in excellent condition. I don't own a 44 now but have shot them before. Great woods carry gun with heavy .44 spl loads! You are probably right that $200 is plenty with the finish like that. Probably someone bead blasted it to refinish, instead of properly polishing the gun. That seems to be more and more popular for refinishing these days. Personally, if the gun came shiny new, I want it shiny after refinishing rather than 'satin black'. 44 Man