This is the #1 site that I visit. A while back we had a topic going regarding a hacker. About mid-flight on that topic suddenly I got nailed by a nasty pop-up called Winfixer. At the sametime I started getting X-rated pop-ups. No I did not visit any of those sites. After this continueing problem I had to re-format my hard drive. Winfixer was so evasive that I did not save any documents, pictures, links, e-mails, it was all flushed. I then re-installed the operating system.
This may sound paranoid, but it crossed my mind that the H&S 5150 that was targeting the website may have targeted my computer. Or was it the way the World Turned on that day. I susgest that concerned computer users go to California Representative John Dolittle website. He has been appointed by Congress to represent the U.S. on World Comittee regulating the Internet. Dolittle has introduced a bill in Congress underscoring the United States responsibility to maintain the Internet functions Worldwide. We (US) has done that since the inception. There maybe a use for the UN for resolving many Internet problems. They could maintain a prison farm for the hackers in Haiti. This would create an employment oppertunity for the locals. Send Dolittle a nice e-mail regarding your frustration with harmful pop-ups, and hackers.
Hopefully this site gets and going full bore soon. I have had problems posting recently. To the point that I have had to abandon some post because of problems.
Recently some California High School kids were ordered to pay thousands of dollars to a high school for hacking into the computer system. Without a doubt costly to the parents and other family members. But it had to happen. The attacks on peoples computers are a terrorist attack. The penalties need to be painful. They need to pay the cost of the damage and then spend sometime growing vegetables in Haiti.