Canada blames U.S. for gun violence
Toronto shooting is latest death in a record year
Tuesday, December 27, 2005; Posted: 9:54 p.m. EST (02:54 GMT)
Our good neighbors to the north are more and more setting up and getting comfortable in the socialists' (that reads communists') camp, so why not blame their social ills on the freedoms we enjoy here in the United States. Got a problem anywhere in the world? Blame guns in the US. They want our money, but they want to screw the rest of what we stand for.
I've felt for a while that I'm finished with hunting and fishing in Canada, but this poop has made up my mind. I'm only one guy, so my money won't be missed there, nor will my boycott cause them any headache, but at least it's my statement. I can hunt and fish in some wonderful places here in the US or Alaska.
OK, I'm finished with my yelling.