thanks alot for the info Wackyquaker. I will do just as you told me and i will post here with the results in about a week or so.
I can't believe I just found this discussion. I had the same thing in mind.
I'll be anxiously awaiting your results. The town is in the process of trapping some beaver and removing their dam just upriver of my house, so my basement doesn't become an alternate branch of the Bouquet this spring.
I have a friend who has a couple of skins as you described and I've had no luck in getting him to cut one lose, so I spoke to the guy who is trapping them for the town to ask what he plans to to with them. He said he was going to throw them on the dump as they are bringing so little, it's not worth his time to skin them because it's such a pain to get al the fat. He wouldn't be trapping them either if he wasn't working for the town but they're paying him overtime to do it.
Do you have hoops, or are you making them. If you're making them, what kind of wood and what dimensions?