I've been shooting the .45LC for over 30 years, in Rugers, Dan Wessons, S&Ws, T/Cs, M94s....all but the S&W would accept "Ruger-level" loads. These are not at all dangerous in the appropriate revolver - there is plenty of metal between the cylinders, the problems are at the latch cutout - most revolvers fail at the top of the chamber, blowing off the top strap. But the Rugers (except the newer Vaqueros) are plenty strong for tested loads.
Since the Ruger barrels are brought up tight to the frame at the barrel shoulder, it is pretty tough for them to "tighten" any more, although I guess anything is possible. Mine never have, and I've fired a lot of "Ruger-level" loads. My Dan Wesson had a removable barrel, and it never loosened with 300-grain bullets at 1200 fps.
All that said, the heavy loads can be uncomfortable to shoot, although in my youth I loved to fire the 300-grain bullets at 1200 fps and never tired of them. Today my favorite loads are with 250-grain XTPs and BlueDot powder for around 1000-1100 fps; plenty for deer, plinking and anything else.