Ahhhh, the 22 Hornet issue rears its ugly head once again,
SteveAZ, I have been through this issue at length, both with the hornet and the 35 remington. My cure for the hornet was to full length size the cases first time out, even if new cases, and then seat the bullets just off the rifling. After that I use the Lee collet die to resize the cases. If the cases get tough to chamber after a few loadings, then I go back to full length for that case. If you try to jam the bullet into the rifling you will have nothing but problems. With your redding die you may need to use a different sized bushing if seating the bullets deeper doesn't work for you.
There is the off chance of a problem with the frame, a good detailed cleaning of the action, especially the interlock might also be helpful.
I hope you solve your problems and have lots of fun with that Hornet, life is too short to not have your gun go bang...especially in front of witnesses!! :wink: