You are missing a large segment of what you seek: new and refurbished military binoculars. I include URLs below. Binoculars manufactured in Europe and Canada such as, Leica, Zeiss, Hensoldt can be excellent values when bought from reliable resellers. My personal preference is for individually focusing eyepieces, mainly because of durability and waterproofing. Some binoculars include mil scale rangefinders. Most can have such devices installed in the right barrel.
In general, I would avoid former Communist Bloc optics because if they were able to consistently make good stuff, it wouldn't be "the former . . ." The exception to this is Zeiss-Jena. Now several binoculars from several countries other than Germany (DDR/East Germany) used Zeiss-Jena optical glass, or built factories to make the same product as the original Zeiss factory at Jena. Without first-hand knowledge of quality, I refer you to "the former . . ."
Optics made by Zeiss-Jena are of excellent quality. Period. Their problem was the cost of that high quality was too high for the company to survive free competition. So long as the communist government needed "hard" currency, Zeiss-Jena survived. After reunification, the company went under. The plant was bought and extensively refurbished. It now makes optics for Bernard Docter Optic, Inc.
Deutsche Optik Collection