Author Topic: asa/anybody else with an opinion  (Read 516 times)

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Offline georgiaboy

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asa/anybody else with an opinion
« on: March 14, 2003, 11:48:11 AM »
asa, i just wanted your opinion on a couple of questions.i have been reading "charles dobbins" books on dirt holes and flat sets and he says that he doesnt use urine at dirt holes and sets where he uses baits as a fox only urinates after he has moved or eaten the stashed food.i have just started trapping and the guy i learned from used urine at all his sets.i did this as well on my sets and i had pretty good luck this year but i just wondered how you use urine in conjuction with bait and gland lures.also i plan on using your lures next year and i have seen them on the minn. trapline site and i know most of them are gland lures.are any of them "food lures".sometimes its hard to differentiate.i used GH-II this year with good success but i am not sure if its a gland lure or gland/food combo.the more i read about trapping methods,the more get confused about what lure/bait/urine to use at specific sets,though i haad a good 1st year basically using dirtholes with GH-II or deer chunks with red fox urine.thanks,i know this was long.georgiaboy

Offline Asa Lenon

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asa/anybody else with an opinion
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2003, 01:59:11 PM »
Georgia Boy:
  I have most always used a squirt of urine on the backing of a dirthole set.  I've experimented with sets made with and without urine many times and I think the sets with urine give a slight decided edge.  With the average canine it probably does not add or subtract anything from the set but when a wary old canine comes along it may fool him into thinking one of his own kind or a familiar species was there and everything must be OK.  Either fox or coyote seems to work equally well for both species. At least, this is the philosophy behind using urine in addition to lure and/or bait and a little squirt certainly can't harm anything in my opinion.  Concerning my lures, the Fox and Coyote #1 Super All Call and #2 Super Range lures are food based with gland, curiosity and passion ingredients added.  No bait is needed in addition to this type of lure.  I have not used bait in many years, only a smear of this paste lure on the upper rim of the hole and a small gob on a stick on down to the bottom of the hole.  My Fox and Coyote #3 Nature's Call lures do not have a food element, only gland, passion and curiosity ingredients.  This type of lure I use at sets where there is no hole like flat, blind and post type sets.  This is also a great lure at a hole set when used in conjunction with a chunk of bait down the hole.  No urine would be used in addition to this lure as the suspicion remover element is already covered in the formula.  If I haven't already sent you one, drop me an e-mail at and i'll send you a copy of my lure brochure and price-list which better describes each lure.  