I have hunted in Cattaraugus County for over 50 years and have seen many bears while hunting, hiking or just in the woods enjoying nature. Although I never intentionally hunted them, I have seen more bears the last 10 years than all the other years put together. My passion is deer hunting and it seems rare that I talk to other hunters that admit to actually trying to shoot a bear. Twice in the last few years I had up close and personal experiences with LARGE bears while deer hunting with my single shot T/C Encore. Fortuntately I was not forced to fire on either. I suggest that you inquire at several locallly owned hunting and gun shops scattered throughout Chaut., Catt, & Allegany Counties to learn who may be interested in bear hunting and perhaps they may share their knowledge with you. Also, starting with the 2005 big game season, you may now use a centerfire rifle in select areas in the Southern Tier.
Good luck.