Author Topic: Wis record musky - L. sprays record upheld  (Read 542 times)

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Offline 379 Peterbilt

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Wis record musky - L. sprays record upheld
« on: January 19, 2006, 07:29:38 PM »
Louis Sprays 69+ pound muskie caught on the chippewa flowage back in 1949 has long stood as the world record muskie as per its weight. That record was recently challenged.

Here is the report from freshwaterfishing. It is far to much content to copy and paste, so here is the direct link......

I myself have always thought it was a bit of a stretch for this fish to weigh in at close to 70 pounds. I dont see how the genetics in that body of water could produce such a giant. Additionaly, the forage base is nothing like that of a deep clear lake with oily ciscos and the like.

Very interesting debate fodder though......

Offline jh45gun

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Wis record musky - L. sprays record upheld
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2006, 07:17:10 PM »
It is hard for us to imagine those kind of fish in our back yards when most of us will never see a fish that big. But you never know what you will come up with. When I was a kid before guys were catching walleyes on the great lakes a inland 6 to 8 pound walleye was a really nice fish. Now guys catch huge walleyes every year in the great lakes and it is ho hum so to speak. I for one glad to see his record still stand it is a part of WI history.  :wink:
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.