Jason, why dont you make your own swingers. Get some rebar from some place like Lowes for the bracket, Bar stock from McMaster Carr or some place else, Animals from Ray Schafer or Target Silhouettes. Bend the rebar into a "square shape with one end open" keeping a radius large enough on one side of the shape to slide the bar stock on. Drill a clearance hole in the bar stock to slide on to the rebar,
Center the bar stock, drill the rebar on each side of the bar stock and install a hair pin in each hole to keep the bar stock from sliding. On the other end of the bar stock, drill a 1/4 inch hole, 90 degrees to the hole at the other end, through the bar stock and the animal and attach with a 1/4 inch bolt, lock washer and nut. You will want to grind the surface of the bar stock down to inset the animal so the animal will not turn nose down or nose up if the bolt loosens. (see sketch).
Swinger is complete. Make bar stock similar for other animals. To change targets, pull hair pin, slide animal off and slide different animal on and replace the hair pin. If you have access to a welder other designs can be created.