JKump: Welcome to Graybeard Outdoors. As for a choice, you can never go wrong with a 44 magnum. It fits your bill perfectly for what you want to do and as you don't reload, the number of factory ammo availabilities in that caliber are almost mind-boggling.
As to choice of handgun - I love the S&W N frames but there are many fellas here who advocate the Ruger, some the Colt and others. I would suggest either a 4 or 6" bbl on the 44. I use a S&W Mountain Gun in 44 mag. The recoil is about the same as with my 3.5" 357. As you are familiar with the recoil of the 4" Tracker in 357 you should be happy with a 44 in the same barrel length.
Now, this is just my opinion. Let's hear what the others recommend. HTH. Mikey.