Today, after I got off duty, I came home, changed and grabbed my new 1886 and headed to my dad's range. The weather was perfect.
The first rounds fired through my new 1886 Lighteight Carbine were Remington 405 grain SPs. Recoil was LESS than a .410 and accuracy was good. I'm partial to 'traditional' loads in weapons. But things got MUCH better.....
I then tried some Winchester 300 grain JHPs. It was a match made in Heaven. Windage from the factory was perfect and my groups from 100 yards were in the SUB-2 inch range. This was with OPEN sights, mind you. Recoil was a bit more stout. You knew you were pulling the trigger on something 'serious', but was still mild by my standards(I shoot a Benelli Super90 w/slugs for 'fun'.).
So far, I have NO regrets re: my purchase. I do know I'd have them if I hadn't. :wink:
BTW, my Winchester 1886 Lightweight Carbine was $615 from CDNN and is worth every cent!