I know that is about as far off, of a topic for a gun board, but I don't know where else to ask, today. I have (had)money invested in a 401k at work. I contributed until about June of last year. Due to some financial problems I stoppped contributing to my 401k. I recently recieved a statement that said as of January 12 my balance is $0. The statement lists an employee withdrawal of all of my assets! I withdrew nothing! I recieved nothing. My company was sold and our 401k's are now with the new owners 401k plan. I was fully vested in the old plan. To say the least I'm boiling mad! I pray to God that I didn't just get screwed out of my money. Again if this is too far off base for this board I apologize. It being Sunday and all I just don't know who or where to ask today.