Do the newer Mausers, after lapping and truing, require the carburizing process of restrengthing the metal?
No. Even on the older case hardened guns, unless the truing takes off a lot of metal you would be in no danger. I've only worked on two or three of these of my own, and they never needed more than a mil or two removed. That's should be safe enough.
As the moderator says, the newer alloy guns will be carbon steels that have received conventional through and through heat treating, so, even though the surface will be just a tad harder than the core, you should still be safe doing a lot of cutting on these.
Color case hardening is a form a carborizing, but it doesn't typically penetrate the surface as far as gas carborizing, which can get down to 50 mils or so, I believe. I seem to recall a tool maker where I once worked usually specified 20-30 mils of skin depth on pieces he sent out for carborizing. The color case method gets more like 5 to 10 mils deep, if I recall correctly? Somebody double-check me on these numbers?