I tried to post a reply yesterday but it did not go to this site ? I would like to explain the advice I gave holahead as to being able to drill through his barrel to mount a scope base. First of all I was sort a vague on where I was talking of drilling the holes. A scout type scope is mounted somewhat midway on the barrel, on a pardner shotgun I would think near the end of the forend. I would never advise someone to drill through at the breach end over the chamber. also I would not advise drilling a hole in any light weight paper thin barrels such as on a O/U or SxS double or other high priced barrel, let a gunsmith do it. My origanal advice was ment only for a 20 ga. pardner, I measured one and at the point above the forend there is plenty of wall thickness to drill and tap holes without drilling into the bore. I apologize for giving bad advice to anyone and after re-reading holaheads idea he did say " get it drilled and tapped " meaning have someone else do the job.
When I first read his idea it struck me as a person with a idea and a prodject that he may do himself, I myself am a retired toolmaker and have tinkering with guns and many other things my hole life. After refletion on my origanal advice I am guilty of thinking of the pardner barrel as sonmething that can be replaced for $42.00 plus shipping / fitting ect.
I do myself own several NEF handis , huntsman , pardner and love them, also I will try to think twice and not give advice such as drilling holes through your barrel. Thank You