Author Topic: New Tikka T3 Hunter 25-06  (Read 1412 times)

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Offline 32 Point Buck

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New Tikka T3 Hunter 25-06
« on: February 01, 2006, 06:47:12 PM »
I am stoked. I have a new Tikka 25-06 waiting for a Nikon Monarch 3-9X40 to come in on Friday from the Optic Zone. Hopefully I will make it to the range this weekend. I probaly should tell my wife of my new purchase and not to plan anything this weekend. She says I never communicate with her. But she did tell me to go ahead and get a new rifle back in November. I do remember specifically the statement "go ahead and get your gun". Well I did and I can't wait.
My plans are to get several types of factory ammo and see what this gun likes the best. Everyone I talk to says Federal Premium has the most consistant loads. Although my local Scheels does not carry all that is available. It looks like the ballistics are the same for Winchester and Federal Accubond 110gr loads as well as 85gr ballistic. Scheels caries Winchester in both these bullets. They do have 115gr Nosler Partitions and 117gr Game Kings in Federal. I wish I could find Federal Triple Shock 100gr bullets around here. You would think with Scheels, and Bass Pro shop along with a couple of other local gun shops we would have access to every load available. NOT! Federal must be as difficult as Wal-Mart to do business with. Anyway I will make do. But I ask for some guidance in which may tend to shoot the best. I am very aware of the fact some guns like certain loads better. I am just looking for a place to start. I would like to use a single factory load for Deer and Coyote but that would canx the 85gr or even the 117 SST ballistic load.  This is why I think the Federal 100gr Barnes TSX would be the bomb. Wouldn't damage Coyote pelt and would be detremental to Whitetails and Mule Deer. Until I find out if my gun likes the Federal 100gr Triple Shock I may have to manage two seperate load profiles, Coyote and Deer. Thank You.

Offline killdeer

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New Tikka T3 Hunter 25-06
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2006, 07:03:58 PM »
I find Federal to be very consistent ammo.
Most guns shoot BTs the best. I would use them on coyote and I think you will be hard pressed to find a better whitetail bullet than the Accubond.
  CONGRATS on the new rifle!
  Also you can order ammo from with a credit card and mine usually arrives the next day or so.


Offline kudzu

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New Tikka T3 Hunter 25-06
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2006, 03:39:02 AM »
I would opp for the fed. over the Win. Win. uses the coated bullet, one  in which I personally would avoid.

Offline Squeeze

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100 gr. TSX
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2006, 04:37:24 AM »
If you hit ANY bone, on that coyote, that 100 gr. TSX is going to
make a MESS.  I have a Tikka M695, in .25-06 Rem., that I have
developed 100 gr. TSX loads for, and I have shot one coyote, while
deer hunting, and one deer.  I hit the coyote a little far forward, and it
was a bang flip.  The exit hole was about 2"!   And the carcass sounded
like a bag of rocks, from all of the bone fragments, in the front
shoulders.  The deer was a mature doe, that stumbled about
10 yards, with a heart shot.  The TSX opened up at the rib cage
going in, turned the vitals to dark red pudding, and left about a
1" exit hole on the far side.  Impressive bullets, but I would not
call them pelt friendly :shock:

By the way, this is my favorite big game load, and given my limited
field testing, at this point, I would not be afraid to use this load, and
gun, as a back-up to my 300 WSM on an elk hunt.

If I was a factory ammo shooter, I would definitely add the
Federal 100 gr. TSX loads to my "Have to try" list.

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Offline Don Fischer

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New Tikka T3 Hunter 25-06
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2006, 08:19:19 AM »
A man after my owen heart 32 Point Buck. He remember's that last November his wife said to get a new gun, I think "specifically" was the word he used. But he probally forgot she asked him to take out the garbage last night!!!!!!!! :D The meer thought of a new gun improves the memory and attitude of all real men! Don't forget the $25 worth of flowers that come with each married guy's gun! :wink:
:wink: Even a blind squrrel find's an acorn sometime's![/quote]

Offline longwalker

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« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2006, 05:53:29 AM »
If I may. Your idea of trying as many different brands of ammunition is right on the mark. Don't rule out anything.  I bet you will find a brand and bullet type your gun likes. When you do shoot that brand and type. Don't get to worried about bullet types and such.  Find the combination that shoots well and then put the bullet where it needs to be.

If you are going to reload, and you have the time and resources to make your own, pick you components and make your own.  In the mean time find the best shooting combination you can.


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New Tikka T3 Hunter 25-06
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2006, 09:41:02 AM »
I saw a wood stock Tikka T3 in 25-06 at a shop over the weekend. Talk about love at first sight. I had a hard time handing it back. I am price shopping and saving up. I gotta have one.