Author Topic: Jon & Zachery  (Read 1052 times)

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Offline jamie

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Jon & Zachery
« on: March 19, 2003, 07:00:12 AM »
I was just at The Optic Zone and have a question about some scopes and it seems the 2 of you could qualify as "knowing individuals"  Speaking of Handgun scopes.  Is the Burris 3x12x32 truly a $150 better scope than the Weaver 2x8x32 (28?) and is it that much better than the Elite 3200 2x6x32?  I don't mind spending for the better optics but would not like to spend money I don't have to.  Or do you think the 2x6x32 Trophy would be good enough for ouit to 150 yrds or so during daylight and 50-75 yrds at dusk?

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Offline TheOpticZone

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Jon & Zachery
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2003, 07:11:11 AM »
The Burris is a great scope, but I like that the Bushnell Elite 3200 is just as good or better along with being a $100.00 cheaper.  The weaver classic handguns scopes are very clear, but it always makes me a little nervous how many times the business has changed hands.   Which is to bad, because just like with the Weaver Grand Slam scope, I think that they are the brightess of a lot of scopes out there.  But people don't know about them or are nervous about their warranty. The trophy handgun scope is good for the money, but I think that for the little extra money, you will notice a difference in the quality of scope.  I guess what I am say, for the money and the quality, I would go with the Bushnell Elite 3200 2-6x32 handgun.
Jon Jackoviak
The Optic Zone

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Offline Graybeard

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Jon & Zachery
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2003, 09:15:35 AM »
Those scopes have different purposes in life. Folks buying the Burris 3-12 or 3-9 for hunting are kidding themselves. They are unnecessarily big and heavy and have FOV that is too narrow.

If you are looking for a scope for hunting of big or for that matter small game as opposed to target shooting or varmint shooting them the scopes to look at are the Burris 2-7 with its wide FOV or the Bushnell 2-6 with its constant long eye relief. I cannot address the Weaver as I have no experience with it and have no intentions honestly of gaining any. Might be as great as some feel but I prefer the above scopes.

I see no reason for the existance of the Burris 3-9. Same size and weight as the 3-12 and same FOV at all magnifcation ranges common to them. So if you want a target or varmint scope get the Burris 3-12. If it is for hunting get the lower powered ones.


Bill aka the Graybeard
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Offline Zachary

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Jon & Zachery
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2003, 09:49:38 AM »
I have the Burris 2x-7x-32mm scope on my .454 Casull.  I have shot about 100 rounds through it, and the scope has been perfect.  Optics are clear and adjustments are precise.  My only complaint, which really isn't that big, is that the eye relief changes quite a bit when you start increasing the power.  As such, from the way that it is mounted, I really can't get it past about 4x anyway because the it starts to "black out."

Now, the Elite 3200 handgun scope, on the other hand, is just as good as the Burris, AND (like GB said) it has 20" of CONSTANT EYE RELIEF!  I don't personally own an Elite 3200, but I have shot a 480 ruger with one and it's tracking was great, just like the Burris.

I think that the Burris 3x-12x is just way too much power, especially since the eye relief will shrink soo much.

Like Jon said, your best bet is the Elite 3200.


Offline jamie

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Jon & Zachery
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2003, 05:03:39 PM »
Damn, I feel preety lucky getting replies from all three of you!  Thanks for the help and I guess I will be purchasing an elite soon.  Thanks again.
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Offline Zachary

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Jon & Zachery
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2003, 02:46:01 AM »
Good decision.  You will be very happy with it! :-D


Offline BruceP

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Jon & Zachery
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2003, 04:12:47 PM »
Just got my Elite 3200 a couple of weeks ago and got it mounted. I have not had a chance to shoot with it yet. Here are a few of my observations from the little bit I have played with it. The optics are bright and clear. I only have inexpensive handgun scopes to compair it to. I'll have to check it out next to one of my Leupold rifle scopes sometime. The eye releif is constant, and long, at least compaired to the others I have. It almost goes in the oposite direction from most variable handgun scopes I have looked at. With the elite at 2X you can hold it at arms length and you can shorten up on it a little and still get a full view. When you go to 6X with the other brands you would have to shorten up it to keep it from starting to go black around the edges. With the elite you have to keep it at full distance when I start to get closer (to close)it starts to get black. It also seems to me that the placement of my eye behind the scope is a little more critical with the elite and the field of view is a little smaller. Now none of this is ment to be a criticism of the Bushnell elite it is just different than the cheap scope I have got use to. I already know the optics are first rate and when I get use to the scope and get to shooting those tiny groups with it I know I'll be in hog (or make that deer) heaven.
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Offline jamie

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Jon & Zachery
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2003, 05:05:56 PM »
Thanks Bruce.
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