Author Topic: Nikron Monarch 3X9 vs 3.3X10 Question  (Read 942 times)

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Offline dbuck

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Nikron Monarch 3X9 vs 3.3X10 Question
« on: March 26, 2003, 04:47:47 PM »
I just purchased a new Nikron Monarch UCC 3.3X10X44 AO from Jon at OpticsZone a few weeks ago and I'm going to purchase another scope in the next few weeks.  My question is if I two rifles side by side and one was a Monarch 3.3X10X44 AO and the other was a Monarch 3X9X40 and I was going to shoot at a target or deer at 200 yards would I tell a difference between the two scopes looking through them with the naked eye and where would the difference show up at 200 yards,  400 yards, 500 yards or early morning or late evening or what.  I know the higher power scope is for more long distance shooting, but I shot my buck last fall in Wyoming at 413 yards and my scope was set at 6 power on a 4X14 because I didn't have time to change it.

I guess I'm wondering if the extra money spent on the extra power is worth it and getting a AO.  I'm not a varmit shooter and a 400 yard shot is a long way.  Your thoughts on the matter


Offline Zachary

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Nikron Monarch 3X9 vs 3.3X10 Question
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2003, 04:40:56 AM »

Wow, I was thinking about purchasing the same two scopes.  I finally got the 3x-9x-40mm from Jon.  The reason is that, although the extra 4mm is nice, and the extra 1x power magnification is welcome, it really isn't worth the extra money, in my opinion.  Now, if you were talking about a much higher power range, like 4x-16x and much bigger objectives, like 50mm, then the extra money, again in my opinion, is worth it.

Now, people will tell you that, in real world hunting, there isn't any difference between a 50mm and 40mm scope.  Well, I just don't agree.  Maybe it's not a huge difference, but, believe me, I can tell A difference, especially, if not exclusively, during the early morning and late afternoons when it gets dark.  Plus, the other added benefit is that eye alignment is better.

Again, we are not talking about 40mm to 50mm, just 40mm to 44mm.  And 9x instead of 10x rather than 9x instead of 16x.

No, you won't know the difference.  If both scopes were painted all black or concealed with a bag, and you were able to look through them, you would be hard pressed to tell the difference.

That's why I got the 3x-9x-40mm.  Now, I did get an Elite 4200 4x-16x-50mm, but the extra power and objective size justified the extra money.

Hope this helps.


Offline dbuck

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Nikron Monarch 3X9 vs 3.3X10 Question
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2003, 08:52:00 AM »
Zachary, thanks for the help, I guess we are on the same page.  Will go with a 3X9X40.
