Author Topic: A new BP lube is born! "PRS-El Tigre!"  (Read 1344 times)

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Offline Pigeonroost Slim

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A new BP lube is born! "PRS-El Tigre!"
« on: March 03, 2003, 02:41:51 AM »
Yesterday I stirred off a batch of lube that is different than any other I have ever heard of.  Its NOT any simpler or EZier to make than my PRS recipe already posted here.  I have not shot it yet and will not for some time since my luber is full of PRS.  BUT, it is BEAUTIFUL and has the right consistency and "feel".  You Spanish speaking Pards, is my spelling of "The Tiger" correct?  It is only marginally less expensive than PRS, but compared to commercial lube it is but a tiny fraction of the cost.  This is one of two varients of PRS lube I have planned around a similar theme for testing and I will stir off another 100 fluid oz batch soon with the other varient, "PRS-Volunteer" (in honor of my Alma Mater, UT;  maybe the El Tigre should have been "Texas"?).  The El Tigre varient has No beeswax, but rather uses the relatively new soy based wax substitute instead.  The Volunteer will be identical recipe, except will use my own  honey bee's wax for the binder.  Everybody in the house was going nuts while I was making it.  "Yum!  What is that for desert!"  MOre later.

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Offline Boge

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A new BP lube is born! "PRS-El Tigre!&
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2003, 05:21:54 AM »
No offense my friend, but the lube thing is beat to death. I've shot BP cartridge for over 20 years and their is not one nickel's worth of difference for PISTOL cartridges. Long range cartridges are another story. You're  reinventing the wheel. Their is no "holy grail" for BP lube. No "golden fleece".  :wink:

Offline Cheyenne Ranger

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A new BP lube is born! "PRS-El Tigre!&
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2003, 06:37:02 AM »
I think that half the fun is trying to make up new stuff.  Even though I can go down to Sears and get a much better coffee table at half the cost I still enjoy making one with my own two hands (and a host of power tools :grin: )
So go for it, Pigeonroost Slim; and let us know how it works out.
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Offline Pigeonroost Slim

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A new BP lube is born! "PRS-El Tigre!&
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2003, 02:59:03 AM »
Quote from: Boge
No offense my friend, but the lube thing is beat to death. I've shot BP cartridge for over 20 years and their is not one nickel's worth of difference for PISTOL cartridges. Long range cartridges are another story. You're  reinventing the wheel. Their is no "holy grail" for BP lube. No "golden fleece".  :wink:

No offense taken, Pard.  I've only been shoot'n the Holy Black since '72 and my learn'n curve may be really slow.  I see SPG and Lyman Black Gold in 1oz hollow sticks for nearly $4.00 per and my CAS guns, particularly the pistol caliber rifles foul out in under 100 shots with either to where ya cannot hit a pop can consistently at 25 yards or the revolver actions bind.  All of that is in the past fer me now.  Shoot all I want, as fast as I want (can?), no loss of accruracy (given my rather meager skills), and the barrel don't even get hot enough to where ya can't grab it.  Part of the success is the lube and part is the bullet design.  For Long Range, you may well be absolutely 100% correct, I have no way of knowing since I don't shoot that at this time.  But, in general; wheels is a whole big lot better these days than they were in tehe beginning or even the recent pass.  They will be better next year too -- so long as some of us keeps a' work'n on 'em.

Highest regard;

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Offline Mason Stillwell

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A new BP lube is born! "PRS-El Tigre!&
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2003, 03:00:35 AM »
Piegonroost Slim
Thanks for one Great bullet design and some great lube reciepes(spelling?).
Keep up the good work. Things can never improve if no one tries new or different ways of doing things.

Mason(Pete)Stillwell :wink:
Thingn's aint always what they seem !!!
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Offline Pigeonroost Slim

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A new BP lube is born! "PRS-El Tigre!&
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2003, 03:13:16 AM »
I shot El Tigre yesterday.  I did not shoot from a rest; jsut CAS style.

I put 150 rounds through my Marlin CB and another 150 rounds through my Rooger BV's.  All rounds were PRS bullets over 37gr Elephant ffg lit off by a CCI-350.  In the rifle, I could hit anything I could see within 35 yards offhand.  Got a modest lube star and no hard fouling from start to finish.  Ten rounds per volley and only a few minutes between rounds.  I did subjectively notice the barrel to get a bit hotter than it does with regular PRS lube, but no thermometer applied.  At the end of the ordeal the barrel rifeling was clean.  Rifle cleaned just as EZ as usual with a nylon bore brush wetted with soapy water followed by a bullet lubed patch.

I put the revolters to use on the other 150 rounds by going through Doc Shapiro's drills and some mock stages.  Could tell no difference at all as compared to the usual PRS concoction except the grips were not quite as slippery at the end of the ordeal.  Cleaning was a simple matter of removing grips and rinsing under the hot water tap and then dunking the whole frame and also the cylinders in a scalding hot water with ballistol solution.  Lubed the actions with ballistol spray, the pin with bullet lube and the barrel with bullet lube on patch.  Cleaner than brand new and smooth as silk.

Why make a new lube when PRS is already as good or better?  Why not?  Tried to save money on ingredients, but savings were minimal.  It sure is pretty to look at and smells wonderful.  I may post the recipe.
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Offline Goatlips

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A new BP lube is born! "PRS-El Tigre!&
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2003, 03:57:38 AM »
Hay Pigeonroost,

" I may post the recipe. "

What a tease!  :)   Waitin' on it - can't see how PRS lube could be improved upon, but my double boiler's waitin!

...through the mysterious force derived from The Holy Black, he has the Power to Cloud Men''s Minds!

Offline Pigeonroost Slim

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A new BP lube is born! "PRS-El Tigre!&
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2003, 06:52:05 AM »
Well, lets see:

It may cost a little less to make, I think.
It looks sooooo purdy!
It smells good 'nuff to eat!
It even makes yer irons smell good!

Goatlips; when ya get back up north and are ready to receive your Snakebite mold back from me; remind me to toss in a few muffins of
El Tigre fer yer inspection.
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Offline Carolina Lead Foot #35944

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A new BP lube is born! "PRS-El Tigre!&
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2003, 01:24:28 PM »
I need to try some of the oils in my lube to get the smell.  Have you ever tried ode of skunk?  I really mean it.  The sent that we use for hunting.  Now that would get them talking at a match.  I can hear them now.  Going to have to try it.

CLF :)  :)
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Offline Pigeonroost Slim

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A new BP lube is born! "PRS-El Tigre!&
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2003, 02:17:27 AM »

Leadfoot; there is a substance some beekeepers use to clear bees out of honey supers at harvest time; its called butylanhydride (sp), trade name is BeeGo.  It stinks to high heavens -- like a really really really terrible bad case of beer farts.  Maybe you could improve your standing at the next match if ya use that --- shucks; ya might come in first and last and middle too.

Maybe limburger cheese would make a good lube!


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