It seems that The International Blackpowder Hunting Association, which distributes the magazine "Blackpowder Hunting'' uses AOL as it's internet service provider.
For those who don't know it America Online supports anti-gun and anti hunting lobbying groups as part of it's regular policy.
For a hunting organization to be wooing the public to join it's ranks and fork over dollars, some of which is donated to extremists who would seek to abolish our constitutional rights is hypocricy and duplicity to the nth degree.
I urge all Graybeard users who are IBHA members to contact publisher and editor Debra Bradbury and express your disatisfaction whith this arrangement.
Blackpowder Hunting Tel: (307) 436-9817
P.O.Box 1180
Glenrock, WY 82637-1180
www.blackpowderhunting.org www.debibha@aol.com