I got the following email today.. it appears that
www.Pyrocreations.com is having a 10% off sale on Sunday (March 12). They carry chinese made fuse in several size. They ship USPS, so none of that hazmat stuff. The email says to use the promotional code "SPECIAL" to get the 10%. I have bought the 1/8 " fuse before... it is your basic green fuse... not sure what else to say about it. They have other sizes, including 1/16 " for the mini-mortars that people seem to be making.
e-mail follows:
---message begins
We at pyrocreations are having a 10% off special
promotion for
DAY ONLY starting Sunday 3/12/06 at 12:00Am to
12:00Pm for 24 hours. Save on your entire order
EVERYTHING 10% off no exceptions! We still have
the same low prices but take an additional 10% off
no strings attached. If you were planning on buying
supplies later NOW IS THE TIME! use this code
(SPECIAL) at checkout in coupon box to receive 10%
off your purchase. You can use this code as much as
you like for the entire day Sunday. This special
promotion is only sent to email subscribers. ANYONE
may participate so tell your friends.
---end of message