OK, my 2nd ignorant question as promised.
I looked for a more appropriate Forum Category to post this, but this seemed as appropriate as any of the others.
My .44 Mag SBH slugs as follows:
*Cylinder throats .4323 (in fact Sierra's .4295 180grs drop right out the bottom of the cylinder if I drop them in the back and Hornady .430's too).
*Barrel .430
I've encoutered a few different views on ideal bullet size for the throat size, ranging from "not more than .0005" under" to "not less than 0.001" under".
I've also heard of problems with particularly WFN and SSK type designs where you risk ending up with a loaded round too large to chamber if you go close to throat diameter.
Mountain Molds seems to allow you to tailor the diameter from in front of the crimp ring, which may let me go with a .432 WFN, but a smaller diameter like .431 from in front of the crimp.
So what's the real deal on the appropriate bullet size?
Here in SA there's nothing over .431 cast (all Keith or variations thereof) available to purchase and I can't try out any other designs, so I'm cautious to import a mold, pay import duty and find that I can't chamber the loaded cartridges!
THanks again for any help.
(JHB, South Africa)