Author Topic: Who uses dogs for hogs?  (Read 1312 times)

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Offline howie1968

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Who uses dogs for hogs?
« on: June 25, 2004, 11:59:41 PM »
Who uses dogs for hogs?, this  is becoming more interesting to me.  I  know  a  few  people around  here  who  have  what  they  call  king pitbulls   they  are  huge pitbulls  and  they use  them as catch dogs, they tell  me  that  one  dog  can  take  a  hog  on,  is this possible?  I  posted  a  while  back  about  this  hound  i  took  to  the  creek  on  the  Tolar  ranch  i  could  not  keep  up  with  this  dog   but  i  actually  seen  this  dog  running  the  hogs   and  i assume  he  had  one  bayed  from  his  voice.  what  is  beter, catch  dogs  or  bay dogs? while  hunting  the  natonal forest  i  ws  walking  and  i  seen   what  appeared  to  be  2  large pitbulls  with deep  gashes  in  there  sides along  the  rib cage around  this  area  alot  of  people  use  dogs  so  i  assume  a  hog  had got  them
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Offline wipartimer

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Who uses dogs for hogs?
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2004, 05:14:51 PM »
i,ve only done it once, but it is sure 'nuff exciting!  We knew it would be interesting when our guide made us put our rifles away. He said we could use his .22 if neede, otherwise "just use yer knife" .  I have no idea what breeds of dogs we used.  The wayit work is 3 or 4 dogs found, chased and bayed the hog. Then this one crippled old dog would catch up with the pack and just walk right up and tear into the hog. Once this fiesty fellow grabbed the hog, then the rest would each grab a chunk of pork. When the dogs got the pig like this, its simply a matter of grabbing the hind legs of the boar (watch out for the dogs) picking up and flipping him on his side. Step on the side of his neck to hold him down and stab him in the heart( you will know when you hit the heart) .  I didn't get the chance to make a kill, but I got to watch my 54 year old Dad do it! (after he dodged a charge-Dad's got some pretty good moves when he needs them). It's something you gotta try if you get the chance.

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Offline TennesseeNuc

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Who uses dogs for hogs?
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2004, 07:38:17 PM »
Here in E. Tennessee and Western North Carolina, in the mountains, most dog handlers use the Plotts Hound for bear and boar hunting.  They look like a cross between an English Pointer and a Pit Bull.  Running up and down these mountains is just about too much for me anymore.  A hog being chased can really cover some ground in a hurry...a lot faster than me.
They usually bay the hog, but sometimes, if they get an opening, they will lock onto a smaller hog.  If that happens they may finish off the hog before you get there.

Offline howie1968

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« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2004, 07:54:00 PM »
i guess  i  was  narrow  minded  to  be  thinking  dogs  could  not  take  a  hog,  or  i  underestimated  a  dog,  these  guys  where  i  live  claim  they  have  dogs  that  can  take  a  hog 1 on 1,  I  dont  know  ive  killed some  hogs  weighing  at  least  3  times  the  size  of  some  of  the  biggest  dogs.  What  kind  of  dogs  would  a person  need  to  get,  do  you need  cut  vests  and  radio collars   i  can  pick  up  a   couple  cut  vests  and  radio collars  cheap from  a  guy  i  know
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Offline wilko

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Who uses dogs for hogs?
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2004, 09:28:45 PM »
Howie, to the best of my knowledge the "dogo Argentino"is the dog you are looking for...

Offline howie1968

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« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2004, 09:44:23 PM »
those dogs  are impressive  they  have  the  endurance of  a  hound  and  the  strenght of a pitbull  i  wonder  how  expensive they are,  the  only  dog  i  have  ever  had  to hunt  with  is    the Tolar rnach  dogs  who  follows  me  everywhere  i  go,  i  guess  i  need  to quit  playing  with  them lol  i  cant  tell you  how  many  times  i  have  went  to  the  crrek  by myself  and  these  dogs come  right  up  behind  me  and  start  licking  me,  it  always  makes  me  happy  to  see  them  though  even  though  they  ruin  my hunting, actually  i  think  the  problem  is  that  they do know  how  to  hunt  i  just  do  not  know  how  to  hunt  with  them    Bo  is  a  terrier  and   i  do  hunt  squirrels  with  him  the  other  one  is  a  huge hound  of  some  sort  i  have  hear  then say he  is  a  blood hound???   that  blood  hound  did  chase  pigs  everywhere  though one  day  and  i even believe  he  bayed  one  but  i  could  not  get  to  them
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Offline Wynn

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Who uses dogs for hogs?
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2004, 02:37:11 AM »
I have a leopard Cur/Pit cross that weighs about 90 lbs. He sight hunts and will catch anything up to about 300 lbs on his own. We use running Walkers and Redbone hounds to run/bay hogs and then turn the ketch dogs loose. I carry a .357 revolver, 9 inch blade knife and a roll of duct tape if we want them alive. I'm getting a little to old for this, but still go along a couple of times a year. I might add that I carry a heavy duty suture and antibiotic kit for the dogs and usually need it. I highly recommend cut collars or vests for the dogs. This is not a sport for family pets. I've also spent a couple of nights at the ER getting folks stitched up. :oops:
American by birth; Southern by the Grace of God

Offline howie1968

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« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2004, 05:18:26 AM »
do you have any pics of the dogs?  is  it  better  to  have  just  bay  dogs?  or  when  does  the dogs  get  cut    at  the  bay  or  the  catch?  I  am  sure  if i  had  a  dog  Id  get  attached  to  it  and  would  not  want  to get it hurt
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Offline Wynn

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Who uses dogs for hogs?
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2004, 09:14:37 AM »
Here is a pic of Sampson taken today. I think he just winded a cat.

Thanks to wipartimer for his topic on posting pictures
American by birth; Southern by the Grace of God

Offline howie1968

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nice dog
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2004, 09:24:38 AM »
wow  he  looks  nice  so  he  can t ake  down  big  hogs?  where does  he  bite  them at?   and  yes  thanks to wipetimer   for  showing  us  how  to  post pics
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Offline Wynn

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Who uses dogs for hogs?
« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2004, 09:56:45 AM »
Sampson usually goes for the back of the neck. He got cut early on going for the throat and learned from it. I will not put him on a big boar anymore but 150 lbs under, I turn him loose. A sow of any size is fair game. Unfortunately, he is as much my best friend and he is a ketch dog.
His mother was the best dog I ever knew. She was killed two years ago by a huge boar. It put me off pretty bad about hunting big hogs with dogs. At this time in my life, I just get to attached to them. Sampson is a natural though and where I live, wild hogs roam through the small community wrecking crops and pastures. It is only natural to turn him loose on them when he spots em.

I have used bay dogs a lot with ketch dogs but do not know anyone who uses just bay dogs. They assist in the catch (distraction or biting rear legs or butt) but the ketch dogs do the work. I doubt many hounds could take down a hog that is determined to get away and would probably be killed if they tried without a true ketch dog.
American by birth; Southern by the Grace of God

Offline howie1968

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that is interesting
« Reply #11 on: June 27, 2004, 10:15:37 AM »
what  I  did  is  put  out  business  cards at local gunshops  and  such  addvertising varmit removal  i  have  got  some  leads  on  places  to  hunbt  and  after  i  have killed  a  few  coyotes  i  have  been welcomed  to hunt pigs  and  deer,  some  of  the  landowners  do  not  want dogs  but  most  will  alow  them   but  no  guns     i  have  had  several responses  to these business cards  and am in the process  of  buying  another trap  i  have  a  place  where  i  can keep  them  at  a  friends  house   but  i  also  no  you  just  cant  take  virgin hog  dogs  to  the  woods   you  have  to  train them,  down  here  hog  dog  trials  are  very popular  and  i  am  going  to  go  watch  one  and  take  my  digital  i  am  very  curious  at  watching  these great dogs in action
Hi  enjoy  hunting  guns    teaching  my  2  daughters  about  hunting  and  boxing

Offline D.G.

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Hunting hogs with dogs
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2004, 05:53:32 AM »
Hi, I am new to this site and really enjoy the information available. One of the best hunting sites on the net.
I love to hunt with dogs and use Pittbulls for catch dogs, you are better off using one in the 65 # range because they are more agile and not as likely to get cut. My catch dog weighted about 60 to 65 # and the biggest hog he ever caught was a 400 purebred russian, he catches by the ear on hogs.
I also use my pittbulls working cattle. I have seen the above mentioned dog "jerk" down a 1200# cow, catches by the nose.
Like I said great site and enjoy the feedback.
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Offline fortress49

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Who uses dogs for hogs?
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2004, 07:05:59 AM »
Hey Howie,

Glad to see you back on the board!  It has been awhille since you have posted.


Offline yankeejuan

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Who uses dogs for hogs?
« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2006, 12:23:01 PM »
I have personally witnessed the dogo on a hunt and you are talking about a hunter that runs constantly for hours after hour and still has the energy and power to take on a big boar.....

It's a site to see all the whites working together in the field doing what they were bred to do and the next trying to kill each other in the yard...

You drop them in the woods and it's on not paying attention to one another just lookin for that hog....

Offline rockbilly

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Who uses dogs for hogs?
« Reply #15 on: March 19, 2006, 03:34:10 PM »
:D Over the years I have hunted with lots of great dogs.  In my younger days, I hunted with an old preacher from Alexandria, La.  He had a number of diffrent dogs for hog hunting, boxers, pit bulls, cross breed this and that, but the best dogs I ever witnessed were his Catahoula Curs (or Catahoula Leopard Dogs).  He had one rather large Catahoula that was an excellent trail dog, and a catch dog that was out of this world.  He would take on a hog 4-5 times his size, latch on a snout or tail and stay there until the preacher could get there with his old 1917 Smith .45 revolver.  After the hunting was over, the dog was a pet to the preachers grandchildren.  Those kids did everything you could think of to that old dog, and as far as I know he never bit one of them.

If you don't know the history on the Catahoula you should look it up if you are a serious hog hunter and dog man.  The were bred in Catahoula Parish La for hog dogs.  At some point the breeding was controlled and monitored, today the AKC recogonizes them as a specific breed of dog.  Back in the late 50s-early 60s there was another La bred dog called a Winn Parish hog dog.  I haveen't heard much about them since I left the bayou country, but I am told they were also good hog dogs.

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Who uses dogs for hogs?
« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2006, 03:34:32 PM »
this is sampson my pit catch dog

this some bay dogs

and this is the type of hogs we catch

and this is one that the dogs caught and we hobbled him and put him in a pen

and these we put in the frezer
Kenny Phelps
Hunt Hogs Today Like Theres No Tomarrow
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Offline curdog

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Who uses dogs for hogs?
« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2006, 03:46:23 PM »
we have been hunting hogs with dogs for years, we hunt curs and catahoulas, these dogs do it all strike,bay and catch, all our dogs are good natured with people and other dogs.  :D  :D  :lol:
no hog to big for our dogs

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Who uses dogs for hogs?
« Reply #18 on: March 30, 2006, 02:52:52 PM »
howie, if you have never seen good dogs work you need to come on down. they will go 1 on 1. i have a little catahoula named candy,she;s 35lbs and has never seen the hog she will not go in on. and she is a pup. you should see the big dogs work :-D  :)  :) all jokes aside these dogs are bred and trained to bay and catch hogs. ask warf he has seen them in action
no hog to big for our dogs