Well guys..after about maybe 4 years of serfing around several internet gun forums and being member to about 5 I'd like to share somthing interesting about myself.
At first, I simply read most peoples opinions and what not on the boards until I finally decided to post on here. From what I have seen on most forums was maybe a little underestimation of some people due to some basic facts about themselves. Age seemed to be one that sparked my mind at the time. I would see posts that young, unexperienced kids would put up and most people would out of pure human nature talk different maybe to them? Not so much different maybe, but just at a different point of view I guess. Well, to sum things up, I pretty much looked at this like if I began straight out with my age, people wouldn't take me so seriously on several topics. Im sure some of you might have guessed but Im only 16 years old.
I don't know about any of you fellas, but I just looked back on some of my posts and noticed that I don't really tend to act my age when Im on here or any gun sites. And it is really wierd to me because I have never actually said anything that could hint me into being either a young teenager or adult. I mean comon now, I only have my permit. :-D
Now, my point to this post was just to let some of you know who better you are talking to now that I have worked up and tried to maintain a good reputation on these boards. My entire ordeal with not mentioning my age was because I was afraid of maybe not being included into a more involved conversation about guns in general.
So to put things in a nutshell, Im sure some of you might be surprised maybe to see that Im not even old enough to personally own a firearm even though I do have quite a collection for my age I think.
BTW- If this is in the wrong forum Im sorry, I just thought it would be a good place because I post here the most.