Author Topic: Crossbow Predjudice  (Read 5498 times)

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Offline dukkillr

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Crossbow Predjudice
« Reply #90 on: April 09, 2006, 07:24:20 AM »
"Bashing xbows" has been defined as stating anything about xbows that differs with jh45gun's views on the subject.  If you believe they are different enough from non-locking bows to warrant their own season you are "bashing" them.  Not because it's true, but because it differs with Jh45gun's views.  This is so that they can censor your thoughts within the rules of the forum.  

I can understand if this is hard to comprehend.  I'm still having trouble with how I "bashed" them.  If you don't think about it as being true, but as being a means to an end the label makes much more sense.  A good rule of thumb is:  If you say something that you’ve never seen jh45gun say, you’re at risk.

Offline jh45gun

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Crossbow Predjudice
« Reply #91 on: April 09, 2006, 11:38:25 AM »
Well guys I hated to do this but you all keep thinking I am the bad guy here so I will bring in the boss and see what he says. Funny that you two Dukkillr and Jsteele can have your views but if I am a moderator I cannot or I am a internet nazi!  Funny thing is Greybeard stated his views on this subject and you two are both against xbows so you give me some bullcrap that you are not bashing xbows.  I gave you a change to prove your views Dukkillr and you have not maybe you have not had the time the offer still stands but with your attitude towards me I doubt it will be fair. Well if you are against them in archery season you are as the exbow is a archery platform. It is not a gun or a muzzle loader. I have had it now we will let Greybeard decide!
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.

Offline dukkillr

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Crossbow Predjudice
« Reply #92 on: April 09, 2006, 12:09:59 PM »
It's not your opinion that's the problem, it's that you view any different opinion as "bashing" and then seek to get it removed.  And you cite my history as justification for current opinions being, "bashing".  That means that if I once said something anti-xbow anything I say in the future must be anti-xbow as well?  That's both unfair and wrong, and you know it.

And of course, the thread is titled, "xbow prejudice" which seems to me should obviously include discussion about the "prejudice" against, "xbows".  Perhaps the thread should be renamed, "let's all say only positive things about having xbows legal during all archery seasons".  Then you could claim that opposing comments are not on topic.

My problem isn't with your opinion, it's with your attacking the civil, thoughful, accurate, fair, opinions of others who differ with you.  What I said is accurate, you believe anything that doesn't echo your thoughts to be "bashing".  The moment something comes out of jsteele or myself you label it, regardless of content.

I haven't had time to do the testing, expect it in late may when I'm done turkey hunting.

Offline jh45gun

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« Reply #93 on: April 09, 2006, 12:24:25 PM »
HAVE YOU SEEN ME DELETE ANY OF YOUR THREADS? NO! Though I could as a moderator. Yea we may see things differently but I resent the attitude that you and Jsteele have that since I am a moderator my views carry more weight on the subject here and I will delete your comments  since I disagree with you. I have not yet.  Though you disagree most all states are not going to give xbows a separate season nor should they as it is a archery tool. Therefore wanting to separate xbows from the regular season is a form of bashing them as you do not want them in the woods with you during a archery season. IF the compound users said no traditional bows during our season you would be upset and rightfully so. No different for xbow users. Further more not every one is going to go out and buy a expensive xbow if they like to use a regular bow and they still can. You guys are seeing threats to your season that are just not there. Like I said I will let Greybeard decide.
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.

Offline jh45gun

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« Reply #94 on: April 09, 2006, 12:27:48 PM »
As you can see I am leaving the post I made about your xbow vs bow expirement open I do not know how much more fair I can be then that.
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.

Offline dukkillr

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Crossbow Predjudice
« Reply #95 on: April 09, 2006, 12:54:52 PM »
What is this thread for?  It's not for allowing us to discuss the prejudice against xbows because we can't present our views.  How bout this, lets stop using this thread.  

You always fall on the, "you're scared of xbows during your season" argument, and it's always false.  I volunteered to take you hunting here so you'd see that a .50 cal machine gun season isn't not going to threaten my hunting.  I'd suggest you find a better argument, if you're going to allow this discussion to continue.

Here's a parallel I see:  I see xbows as similar to motion wing decoys for duck hunting.  I see them as giving an advantage to the lazy, unskilled, idiots who can't or won't learn to call, work, and shoot ducks.  I wish they were outlawed, and in some states they have been recently.  In one state (California?) they listed "The culture of duck hunting" as part of the reason for the law, in addition to higher mortality rate.  

To me it isn't about what projectile is lauched or if it's a string that launches it.  It's about reducing the skill required to take a deer during archery season.  I don't change my opinion when you go to verticle bows with draw locks.  Same issue.  To me when you have to draw and hold that is bow hunting.  When you don't it's not.  If there was a 60 second timer on the draw of an xbow I'd have no objection to it's inclusing in archery.

But this isn't xbow "bashing".  I shot 3 deer last year with a rifle.  I'd shoot deer with an xbow if I had one, and it had a season.  I'd shoot deer with a muzzle loader if I had time.  I couldn't care what weapon is used.  But I believe the seasons are different for a reason.  I'd object to muzzle loaders being used during archery season.  I'd object to any change in archery season that signficantly increases the lethality and/or decreases the archery skill required.  A different season?  Sure.  Hell I'd be ok with an overlapping season.  Do they belong in the general rifle season as they are in KS?  No, that doesn't seem fair either.

To stop the argument before it's raised, none of this applies to those who are disabled.  If you can get a disabled hunter in the field it's a good thing.  I know an xbow hunter who is disabled (rotator cuff surgery) and she (yes, she) can no longer draw a bow.

Unfortunately since these opinions differ from yours you'll decide they're "bashing".  It's unfortunate.  

Instead of debating issues, or pointing out your best arguement (population control) you'll say that my opinion sides me with PETA and that I'm bashing.  You'll say I'm scared.  You'll say I'm ignorant.  You might even just lock the thread to avoid allowing me to say anything.  

I wish that wasn't true.  I always worry about those who can't take disagreement with their opinion.

Offline jh45gun

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Crossbow Predjudice
« Reply #96 on: April 09, 2006, 02:27:23 PM »
Well GB may lock the thread his decision but I have no intentions of doing so. You have your views I have mine and I think you are more reasonable than jsteele is on the issue. Fact is wether you like it or not the xbow is considered a archery tool and should be used as such. The talk of a separate season is discriminitory as where would you put it? Bow seasons first then rifle then in a lot of cases muzzle loader which brings you into winter not that pleasant to be out in many cases if you live up north. Again it boils down to the me first mind set I do not mind xbows but I do not want them during my bow season even though they are equal in use. For every positive thing about bows there are a negative one same with crossbows that is why I wanted you to use on in a hunting like situation. Now using a blind on a tripod would sure be different than a tree stand with a bunch of limbs in the way too. There are many variables here and I still resent the fact you feel that I plan on using my moderator status to lock every thread that I do not agree with I have not yet, yet you still think I do so????????? My opinion is you put xbows in a separate season other then archery you are discriminating against them as a archery method and that to me is xbow bashing as you are limiting them as a hunting method to a limited separate season. Bow seasons in many states are 3 to 4 months long. add in the rifle seasons and muzzle loader you would have a very limited time frame for a separate xbow season so yea I think that is discriminatory and call it bashing if you would like.
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.

Offline Graybeard

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Crossbow Predjudice
« Reply #97 on: April 09, 2006, 05:03:14 PM »
dukkillr and jsteele, you've tried my patience and ignored my warnings long enough. The next post you make on this forum will be the LAST post you make at GBO forever more. I will end your account here if you refuse to move on and stay away.

I told you if you wished to argue further do it directly to me via PM. So if I see a single post on this forum regardless of the content of it your memberships will be terminated.

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

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