Author Topic: Savage Striker Pistols for NRA Silhouette?  (Read 1263 times)

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Offline Jason

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Savage Striker Pistols for NRA Silhouette?
« on: March 14, 2006, 04:12:13 PM »
I'm considering grabbing a couple of the Savage Striker pistols to use in NRA smallbore and pistol cartridge silhouette matches. They fit my hand pretty well, and my thought is that they're cheap enough that I could get two guns and set them up identically and be set for both events. I am currently using a borrowed Contender for smallbore and haven't shot the pistol cartridge silhouette match at all yet. I am wondering about a few things, though. First, do you think the Striker in 22 mag will have enough oomph to take the 100 meter rams? Next, what does it take to make the triggers good enough for competition guns? Who makes the best trigger part/group replacements and how much are they? Last, where could I get them, as they have been discontinued? I'm specifically talking about the models 501F and 502F, the blued/synthetic left bolt, right eject models.

Thanks for any advice or experience you can share.


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Savage Striker Pistols for NRA Silhouette?
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2006, 04:00:25 AM »
If you are talking about shooting NRA Hunters Pistol, I don't think the Strikers are legal.  It has been awhile since I checked on this so I am kind of fuzzy but it is either barrel length, bolt action, weight that precludes them from use in NRA Hunters pistol, both small bore and pistol cartridge.  

I could be wrong on this and the rules may have changed.  Anyway, at least check it out completely before you go out and buy them.

You can only hit the target if the barrel is pointed in the right direction when the bullet leaves the barrel.

Offline Jason

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Savage Striker Pistols for NRA Silhouette?
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2006, 05:17:46 PM »
Thanks for the reply, Sixgun. I've got a match on Saturday, so someone will surely have a rule book there. I'm going to go ahead and order one from the NRA, too.

The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of having a couple cheap pistols like that set up the same. I'm not as serious about pistol silhouette like I am smallbore silhouette, so I wouldn't need top of the line equipment. A couple of those Striker pistols in 22lr and 22mag ($200 or less each), along with Rifle Basix sears (<$60 each) and some BSA 6-24X target scopes ($80 or less each), and I'd be in business. Of course they won't shoot like top-end custom guns and I wouldn't trust the BSA scopes on my smallbore rifle, but they'd be plenty good enough for me to have lots of fun at our local matches. :)

Offline Arbyrod

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Savage Striker Pistols for NRA Silhouette?
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2006, 05:21:55 PM »
Hi,  the Striker pistol is not legal for NRA Hunter Pistol competition.

Life Member of NRA
FSSA - Silhouette Director
I Believe in Gun Control - two hands on the gun and hitting your target.

Offline Jason

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Savage Striker Pistols for NRA Silhouette?
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2006, 08:40:40 AM »
Yep.. I figured it out when the NRA finally got my pistol rule book to me. It's the bolt action that makes them illegal. I'm going to just go with fixing up the Contender with a couple barrels and scopes and call it good. Thanks again for the answers.