I'm considering grabbing a couple of the Savage Striker pistols to use in NRA smallbore and pistol cartridge silhouette matches. They fit my hand pretty well, and my thought is that they're cheap enough that I could get two guns and set them up identically and be set for both events. I am currently using a borrowed Contender for smallbore and haven't shot the pistol cartridge silhouette match at all yet. I am wondering about a few things, though. First, do you think the Striker in 22 mag will have enough oomph to take the 100 meter rams? Next, what does it take to make the triggers good enough for competition guns? Who makes the best trigger part/group replacements and how much are they? Last, where could I get them, as they have been discontinued? I'm specifically talking about the models 501F and 502F, the blued/synthetic left bolt, right eject models.
Thanks for any advice or experience you can share.