You make a good point [I did read that post]. But, I respectfully submit : that anyone who uses "unknown" load data without consulting at least one [more is obviously preferred] reliable, published, source, is the one who should be sued, for bein' a stoop!!! But I also believe that one should own, use, and learn to consult a chronograph. Just because one can exceed accepted velocities, w/ yer concoction, without blowin' yer dumb butt off, does not mean that it is either safe for you or your poor overstressed, firearm. Whew!! All that off my feeble mind. I appreciate sharing good, useable, been tested to be successful, load data. Stuff like "the load" would be an insider secret w/o our communications. [I just typed a nasty "besides" but I'll keep it to meeself].... Keep that [good, tested] load data comin' to those of us who know how to use it. The rest can look the other way. Thanks... MV. . BTW You did indeed correct your data almost immediatly! What more can one ask?