I've also considered the 357 Herret in a Handi. My main reason was the accuracy of the 357 Herret.I have a Contender in that caliber,and it will shoot 3/4" groups all day at 100 yds.,when I take the time to shoot it alot. It will do 2350 fps in a 14" barrel and a 158 gr. XTP and I'm guessing 2650 with a 22" barrel. Mine will do 1975 with a 180 gr.bullet in the 14" barrel. Any 30 30 brass can be made into the Herret fairly quickly and I've fireformed them with near max loads and the were fairly accurate.
You can pickup 30 30 or 375 brass around just about anywhere there's people shooting,so theres a plentiful supply of it. According to all the articles I've read, the Herret holds a slight edge over the 35 Rem. and the Max. The 125 gr. XTP's really sizzile in my Contender. Hope this helps. Digger