Thanks for the response and offer on the Ultra Dot. It's interesting you mention the Bush 3200 in 2-7x32. This is also one of the scopes I am considering. Living in Penn, we get the cold, rain and snow durning the deer season here. So a good quality scope is important.
I will keep in mind your offer as I continue to do a little more research on a scope. I am looking to upgrade the scope on my son's 30-30 Win lever gun. He currently has a Bushnell Banner 1.5-4.5x32 on it now. Since I purchased him a rifled slug shot gun recently, I need a scope for this and I think the Banner is well suited for his new slug gun. So, it looks like I am going to remove the Banner and mount it on the slug gun which means I need to buy a replacement for the 30-30. This time, I want to get him a little more magnification power. A 2-7x32 sounds like a good move but the selection in the under $160 is very limited. I don't want any of the real chepo scopes.
Thanks again, and if I decide on the Ultra Dot I will drop you an e-mail with a web link to what the current pricing is. Maybe I will do this anyway and you can tell me what you would be willing to let it go at. Might help me decide ! :grin: :grin:
AKA Cabin4