Author Topic: Question for GB  (Read 677 times)

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Offline Cabin4

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Question for GB
« on: March 29, 2003, 02:04:14 PM »

I read the Product Review you did on the Ultra Dot 2-7-32 rifle scope authored back in 2001. I am considering one of these and I wanted to know if since writing that original artical you could add any more thoughts about this scope ?  

I noticed that Ultra Dot only claims that these are water resistant not water proof. Is this a big deal ? Has the scope held up ? any thing good or bad to add ?

Avery Hayden Wallace
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Question for GB
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2003, 07:23:42 PM »
I certainly have nothing bad to say about the scope. It is a real good one. Nice clear optics and the way the little lighted dot works is really nice. Not too much and does make it stand out when you are really stretching legal shooting hours.

It stayed on my 7-08 until I got the Bushnell Elite 3200 2-7 for test and it has been on there since. I should still have that scope in a drawer somewhere around here. I have a bunch more scopes than I do guns. If you are interested drop me a PM or e-mail and we'll discuss it. Not sure what current prices are but I'm sure I can make you a deal well under current pricing. If you want it I will have to look around to see where I stored it but I don't recall selling it.

As to the water resistant vs. water proof I guess I'm not sure. It's pretty humid here in Bama and it's never been a problem for me. I don't really plan to go scuba diving with it and I assume the water or maybe atmospheric pressure is the only difference. Dunno honestly. As I said it's never been a problem for me here.


Bill aka the Graybeard
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Offline Cabin4

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Thanks GB
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2003, 03:12:01 PM »

Thanks for the response and offer on the Ultra Dot. It's interesting you mention the Bush 3200 in 2-7x32. This is also one of the scopes I am considering. Living in Penn, we get the cold, rain and snow durning the deer season here. So a good quality scope is important.

I will keep in mind your offer as I continue to do a little more research on a scope. I am looking to upgrade the scope on my son's 30-30 Win lever gun. He currently has a Bushnell Banner 1.5-4.5x32 on it now. Since I purchased him a rifled slug shot gun recently, I need a scope for this and I think the Banner is well suited for his new slug gun. So, it looks like I am going to remove the Banner and mount it on the slug gun which means I need to buy a replacement for the 30-30. This time, I want to get him a little more magnification power. A 2-7x32 sounds like a good move but the selection in the under $160 is very limited. I don't want any of the real chepo scopes.

Thanks again, and if I decide on the Ultra Dot I will drop you an e-mail with a web link to what the current pricing is. Maybe I will do this anyway and you can tell me what you would be willing to let it go at. Might help me decide ! :grin:  :grin:

AKA Cabin4
Avery Hayden Wallace
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