I just watched a bow hunting video that sort of shocked me. Maybe what I saw was OK, I'd like some feedback. A guide and his client are out in the wilds of Alaska hunting bears and the guide sticks one in the shoulder, poor shot placement, and the wounded bears heads into the brush. Shortly afterwards another bear is spotted and the guide turns his attention to this new bear and starts working his client towards it. It isen't long before the new bear is shot by the client and quickly expires. Only after taking some time to make a bit of filler for the video does the guide resume attempting to find the bear he shot! Eventually it is found and all ends well. HOWEVER! It just seems to me that once an animal is wounded the guide should expend a maximum effort to find it and make sure it does not suffer unduely or circle around and attack another member of the hunting party (at least three people plus the cameraman were present). Am I off base here? Let me know how you feel. NOW! Go see my April 16, 2:46 PM post, I blew it!! :?