:roll: The problem is, we (me too) have set back and watch this unfold over a period of several years. We said or did little to prevent it from growing to the point is is today. We have so many in the country that it will be a major task to deport them, but this is a taks I think we should undertake.
I thought making anchor babies citizens, providing education in spanish, free medical, social security, unemployment and many of the other benifits they get was crazy as it happened, but I didn't say anything. It is to the point today I tell everyone that stands still long enough for me to state my mind. I have written Letters to the Editor to about 75 newspapers all over the country requesting the folks that read them write their congressman/senator and express their thoughts on the issue. I retire in June, but plan to continue fighting this full time for as long as necessary.
Every red blooded American that sees illegal immigration as a problem and/or thinks we need to start an aggressive deprotation program now needs to let their elected officals know while we still have a voice. It only takes a few minutes to draft a letter state your views, but it needs to happen today. If you fail to do something, then don't say anything when they take this country over. Laugh if you like, but with the population increase, it could happen in no more than 20 years. :shock: