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Big Buck Contest
« on: July 18, 2006, 10:42:38 AM »
2006-2007 Southeastern Trophy Hunters Big Buck Contest Rules

The States recognized in this contest will be: Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Tennessee.

Any deer taken by legal means in the State where the deer was harvested will be accepted.

All entries must be officially scored by a SCI (Safari Club International) measurer. (Call us and we can help with getting the trophy scored)

In order to enter a trophy into the contest, the entry must be accompanied by two field photos with at least one of them showing the date when the deer was taken.

All scores will be SCI (Safari Club International) gross score without any deductions. (No drying period required)

You MUST be a member of Southeastern Trophy Hunters before hunting season starts in the State where the deer is taken.

Only whitetail deer will be accepted.

All decisions made by Southeastern Trophy Hunters will be final.

Grand Prizes for Southeastern whitetail:
Remington rifle chambered in a standard caliber topped with a Leupold scope or equivalent.
Two (2) day deer hunt at one of Southeastern Trophy Hunters sponsoring lodges.
Two (2) sets of Mothwing camouflage.
Shoulder mount from Mitchell Bragg Taxidermy.
Soft Gun Case.
Grand Prize for North American whitetail:
(Entries accepted from all other states not listed in the Southeastern category)
One (1) day hog hunt at Mann Mountain
One (1) set of Mothwing camouflage.
Pair of rubber boots.

(Other prizes may be added to each category at Southeastern Trophy Hunters discretion.)

(Specifics of prizes subject to change)

This contest is for members only.  Annual dues for membership is $30.  This includes subscription to publication, hat and window decal with logo, entry into big game awards and big buck contest, and the opportunity to write your own hunting stories in your own words to be published in the magazine.

Southeastern Trophy Hunters
PO Box 3908
Oxford, Al. 36203
256-831-1211 office
256-831-2207 fax
256-831-4424 evening

Come see us this weekend at the Birmingham Deer Show.  booth #806