It was a variable power scope. It suffered the cheap Vari syndrome, change the power, the bullet moves. I was sighting it in at 50 yards. It was fine with leaving it on 6x. It was also characteristic cheap scope that the 1/4" may be 1/2" or 2" per click, completely unpredictable.
Once sighted in, it seemed ok. But I just didn't trust.
Not that anything better is on the 10/22 now, it's got a Tasco Pronghorn on it, but it worked better than the Nc Star.
But I've sworn off cheap scopes like cheap whiskey, but I drink cheap beer to afford nice scopes. I should quit the beer altogether, more scopes.
Seriously, skip going to the Outback for one meal, and that's half the price of a Leupold or other nice Scope.
Speaking of Cheap scopes, I had a tasco 4x World Class last 3 rounds of a 375 H&H with light loads. I was going to have two detachable scopes, one for 210 grainers for deer and one for 270 gr for other game. Did I send back to Tasco, nope, it wasn't the hassle, and most replies on the internet said Tasco blamed them for it, and tried to charge for user inflicted damage.
Buy a Nikon, they are cheaper than a Leupold, but I've been trying to keep my money in the US. There's always the used market, and Leupold's warranty is lifetime, even if you didn't buy it.