Flash - I can't agree with you... SafeHarbor does still exist on Ebay, and still has the SafeTrade and Fraud Alert capabilities it has always had. You just have to go through the process - a pain I agree, but if you want justice or your money back when using Ebay, its the price you have to pay.
Unfortunantly, few users will take the time to police the slobs selling and buying on Ebay anymore. As one who had been using the service almost from its first day on-line, I seldom use it anymore because with the shear number of members now, and the percentage of less than honest buyers and sellers that has also sharply risen. While I have had problems with both buyers and sellers over the years a number of times, I have always got them resolved in an acceptable way - both on my own, and with Ebays help. Using Ebay successfully requires work on your part, lots of product knowledge and to a point being Internet "street wise".
As for the clown with all the negative feedbacks - anyone who bids on Ebay without first checking the seller out - asking questions FIRST, gets what he deserves. Failing to do so is, as you said, peeing in the wind. Even with all the neg FB's this guy has, did anyone take the time to file a formal complaint with Ebay? Doubt it. If even a small number of those 200 had......
We all greatly appriciate your "heads up" about this slob seller Flash, and maybe some of the comments will be of help to anyone who frequents this forum. But we are getting way off topic, so I suggest if you want to continue it, we should do so in the "Humor and Off Topic Discussions Forum". If that's acceptable, drop me a PM and I'll move it there.
Thanks pard.