i have a question regarding chokes and patterns maybe some of you can help me with since i'm certainly no expert on the subject. i had my "truck gun" 12 ga. pardner tapped for screw in chokes. i initially had the gunsmith install a modified winchoke i had purchased. this patterns quite well at 25-30 yards using remington bb shot size. since my main use for this gun around the place is to eliminate medium size mammals like skunk, possum etc. i thought i'd order an extra-full choke to extend my range out to around 50 yds. however, i am very disappointed with the results using the same ammo. at 50 yards it shoots pretty much to point-of-aim, but leaves a good size "hole" right in the middle of the pattern! is there an explanation for this? i'm wondering if the short 18 1/2 bbl. is a factor. i was thinking about trying a regular full choke (instead of the x-tra full), but i'd first like to hear what your thoughts are on the poor results i'm getting with the x-tra full choke. thanks for your input.....tg