Author Topic: cast bullet ?  (Read 755 times)

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Offline cowboyup453

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cast bullet ?
« on: August 25, 2006, 06:29:53 AM »
I have a taurus 44ss6 with a ported barrel that i am taking elk hunting this year. I would like to use 300g cast bullets but i have heard that you cant or shouldnt shoot cast bullets with ported barrels. is this true? Can someone explain               
                                                                                                                Thanks in advance

Offline Redhawk1

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Re: cast bullet ?
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2006, 12:47:16 PM »
I don't know why not, I do it all the time. Now with some of the S&W X frame revolvers, they have a compensator designed for leas bullets, but that is just for the removal of the comp concerns. I shoot lead in all my ported barrels.
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Offline Shooter973

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Re: cast bullet ?
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2006, 12:53:42 PM »
I have a 44 mag Redhawk that has been ported. When I shoot cast bullets thru it they plate the sides of the front sight!!! :( They are also hard to get the ports clean. The plated lead is difficult to remove, so I don't shoot cast out of it any more. It can be done but I don't think it's worth the pain in my butt. I have other 44 mags to shoot cast from!!! :)

Offline 44 Man

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Re: cast bullet ?
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2006, 03:13:55 AM »
I have Mag-na-ported guns and shoot cast all the time.  I have never had a problem with the ports needing cleaned, but it is true that the sides of the front sight will accumulate a light coating of lead.  This has always been easy to remove for me.  It doesn't seem to build up but it will leave the sides of the sight looking silver.  I love the Mag-na-porting!  I would want my guns ported reguardless of any extra cleaning chores.  I really does work.  Shoot your cast bullets and enjoy your gun.  Another minute at the cleaning bench is not a big deal.  44 Man
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Offline swampthing

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Re: cast bullet ?
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2006, 05:40:54 AM »
              As far as ported barrels go my Marlin Guide Gun has 16 or so ports at the muzzle. I shoot 330g hardcast lead bullets past 1800fps and as high as 2000fps. There is nothing in those ports or on the front sight that a quick wipe with a oiled patch won't remove, even after 250 rounds I don't have to clean them.
               If you are talking about properly fitted hard cast bullets, you will not have a problem. When you shoot cast, that are of an appropriate alloy, sized to fit, from snug to tightly in the throats of your revolver, and gas checked, you will probably never shoot jacketed rounds again. The accuracy, AND ON GAME Leathality, is a lot better. With game such as elk, hardcast, I would consider "manditory"
300g WFNGC  @ 1300fps, Bull will not go far if shot inside a 100yds or so.
               Have fun.

Offline Cheesehead

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Re: cast bullet ?
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2006, 08:18:01 AM »
I shoot cast in my Springfield V16 1911 45ACP For action pistol matches. Works great, a little extra cleaning, no problems.

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Offline WL44

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Re: cast bullet ?
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2006, 10:42:41 PM »
I raised this question a while back because of having heard that flame cutting of the base of PLAIN BASE cast occurred as it passed the Magnaports and that accuracy suffered.

I have never shot lead in my Magnaported revolver, so I don't know the answer, but that was what I'd heard. THe thread I started is in the Freedom Arms forum.
