OK DD, you have covered it. When a potential customer calls the vendor to make an inquiry about a product or to order a certain product, he should make certain that the vendor is aware of the fact that he is expected to at least return a phone call IF the customer needs to check on his shipment. It is acknowledged that the vendors are most likely very busy and in many cases, with a regular job not associated with their Blackpowder supply "business" but they can still take the 30 to 60 second required to make a return phone call. Just yesterday, I purchased a propane tank gauge for the grill. This gauge shows the amount of propane remaining in the tank. There were absolutely no instructions accompanying this item so I called the toll free number of the vendor's customer service dept. Waited on the line for 25-minutes and finally got a customer service person who spoke in broken-english. He couldn't answer my question so told me he'd have to switch me to a tech. OK, but I told him that I do not want to want another lengthy time for a tech so he assured me that it'd be no more than a one or two minute wait. Got switched and got the same recordings that I had originally received. Wanited twelve minutes again and then got a message that the firm was closed for the weekend - try again Monday. This type handling is getting to be the norm lately. Sorry for the rant! :evil: