I believe H&R really shot themselves in the foot by eliminating the ejectors and converting to the cheaper extractor mechanism. I am also sorry to say it may have been fueled by complaints made by a few members here regarding sticking cases.
Again, as the old adage goes, "be careful of what you ask for, you may get it". Now the great majority of us will suffer, as will the sales of the newer, more cheaply made Handirifles. My prediction holds, the value and prices of the older and better ejector fitted barrels will increase, especially for those of us that are primarliy hunters and occasional bench shooters. Those valus will go up in proportion the the decreasing sales of the newer extractor fitted Handis. Sadly, as has been said, it was simple and easy to convert an ejector barrel to an extractor barrel but as yet it is not possible to convert an extractor barrel to an ejector style barrel, and it may never be so. If in fact it is ever possible it will be most likely be prohibitvely expensive. Also for those that failed to clean thier guns properly and expierenced stuck cases there was also to easy fix of installing a stronger of an extra ejector spring of smaller diameter inside the original spring, but instead of doing this they elected to blame H&R and complain, now look what we have, a less desireable product that may please a few malcontents....<><....