Great Yotero! Glad to see you had such success with wife and fishing. Explain, nope, no way as fisherman know there are so many variables. Same occurance once when i guides some very well to do people from Chicago , Ill musky fishing. The lady wore a full length mink coat in boat ( late October fishing with snow squalls) and was newly married. Any rate lady threw three casts out and caught two muskys, her husband threw baits and trolled suckers all day , NADDA!
Hope your mom is doing well and know she appreciated the fish plus those other residents. Cant beat fresh fish fixed up. When my mother was in hospice she really looked forward to the food i brought for home for her, like fish, veggies from garden ect.
At any rate, you have trained your wife right with her recognizing yote trapping sites and for her to suggest fishing and trapping come trapping season,,,, whoooooeee.......,,,, you got one of kind wife there, dont let her get away....