i never under stood why people take beaver in spring, if ya take um in fall the the male beaver just mate again, but in spring you lose about 3 beaver when u take one, since the female is gone.
This would appear to be a bad thing, but if you think about it there is no difference. If you remove an animal in the spring or fall they are no longer in the population to reproduce...gone is gone.
The season lengths and limits, if applicable, are set to permit a sustainable harvest over a long period of time. By monitoring harvest trends it is possible to identify problem areas. If you have good population data and harvest data you can better establish / document sustainable use. Long term harvest trends are often the best data that is available and rarely is it that we have excellent population data.
Spring harvests, when allowed, provide extended recreational use and harvest of prime pelts that otherwise would not be available. This is done when the data indicates such harvests do not negatively impact on thepopulations.