:cb2: When I was in college in the 70s and early 80s (I was on the 10 year plan—didn't make it, took 11) homosexuality was sexual perversion and deviant behavior. This is what was taught in my psychology classes, sociology classes, and cultural anthropology classes. All the text books agreed. Homos were still "in the closet" because it was immoral and wrong. By the time I went back to school to get my second masters degree, it wasn't wrong anymore. It was just an "alternate lifestyle." We even had a chapter of GALA on campus. (Gay And Lesbian Association) Hollywood, liberalism, and political correctness took something that had been disgusting and morally heinous for thousands of years, and in a 12-15 year period, turned it around. We are quickly losing all our moral values.
RackWrangler said,
I understand that most of you guys are a lot older than I am, and society has changed a lot over the last 50 years. That's what's great about America...we change and adapt to the times.
That's a load of crap. There are some things that should NEVER CHANGE. (Sorry RackWrangler, I'm not attacking you personally, I just think you've been fed a bunch of hoowie, and haven't thought it out completely.) We have to stand for some values. We're seeing our American culture getting flushed down the sewer.
Hey, do any of you guys remember when all the angry mothers across America tried to get Dizzy Dean off the air because of his "foul language"? All because he said, "
AIN'T" on Saturday afternoon baseball. Now look at the garbage on TV.
What's really sad is that we let them do it. We let them reverse the meaning of "separation of church and state," and did nothing. It has even become a "constitutional right," though it's not found anywhere in the Constitution. "No-fault" divorce has now disolved the sanctity of marriage. We have abortion on demand, and now millions of babies are killed each year. We didn't protest. We didn't rebel. We didn't throw the tea in the harbour. We didn't arm ourselves and threaten the government. We just let them do it. (I'm NOT suggesting that we all go out and shoot a Congressman, but I bet you, if they had that thought in the back of their minds, we'd sure get cleaner and better leadership in government!) :eek:
I see the kids I teach listening to the rap music they seem to enjoy, and I'm just thankful I can't understand the filthy lyrics. Folks tried to get "Satisfaction" banned back in the 60s when Mick Jagger lamented that he "cain't get no girly action." Now the songs glorify rape, drugs, murder, gangs, cop killing, and the sicker they can be, the better.
The NAACP should really aplogize to "Amos & Andy." It was taken off the air because it was "degrading to Negros." In "Amos & Andy" all the doctors, lawyers, judges, and professionals were black. The only white folks were crooks and con artists. Have you seen any of the black sit-coms today? Holy cow. Talk about degrading.
I see kid's that look like they are too stupid to wear pants. They walk down the halls scratching and holding their crotch, and some would have sex in the corner of the classroom if we'd let them. When I was in Jr. High/High School we had ONE girl get pregnant in our school that whole 6-year period. It was such a disgrace back then, that the girl could not come back to the same school after she had her baby. She would have the reputation of being a slut. Now I have several pregant girls every year. Many already have children at home. One 10th grader was bragging to the guys in class about the abortion she had the year before. Just letting them know she was sexually active. Another girl got really mad when she told the office staff they were going to throw her a baby shower, and they laughed at her. We even have one school in our district that has a nursery because so many of the girls there already have children.
When I was a kid the worst problems most teachers had was gum chewing and talking in class. Of course we started the day saying the pledge of allegiance, we sang a patriotic song, we had someone read a verse of Scripture from the Bible, and we then prayed. Today we can't read the Bible, pray, or even have the 10 Commandments up anywhere. "Thou shall not kill." That sure takes all the fun out of drive-bys when you've gotta aim to wound only. "Thou shall not steal." Where do you get your drug money? "Thou shall not commit adultery." Gee, no fun again this weekend. The Memphis City School system had 141 weapons confiscated last year. The Lord only know how many were there every day that were not found. Forty-one teachers and administrators were assulted by students. And who knows how much drugs were seized. The police aren't letting that one out.
Should we just legalize drugs too while we're at it?
Plus we're well on the way to becoming a bilingual nation. "Illegal" doesn't mean anything if it hurts someone's politically correct feelings.
And we should just "
change and adapt to the times"??!!? LOOK WHAT IT'S DOING TO US.
I think you guys are being a bit rough.
We've waited too long to get rough. Us old guys grew up in a time when America was great. We had the respect of the world. Now we're a tiger in quicksand, and the other world monkeys are laughing and throwing sticks at us.
I hate it when I hear idiots say, "There are no moral absolutes," or "You can't legislate morality." God gave us a whole Bible full of moral absulutes, starting with the 10 Commandments (not 10 suggestions). And every law we make is a form of "legislated morality."
The moral decay is killing us. And this whole issue about a comic book superhero pushing homosexuality in our childrens' face is just another example of how far we have fallen. Embrace the sewer if you wish, but I'm going down swinging as long as I'm able.
I'm sorry. I've taken waaaaaaaaay too much time. And please, RackWrangler, don't take this as a personal attack. You just accidently hit one of my hot buttons. I fight this battle 10 months out of the year, and I'm tired and seriously outnumbered. I'll get off the soapbox now. It's someone else's turn.