Author Topic: Anyone familiar with the 450 Watts?  (Read 398 times)

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Offline hans g./UpS

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Anyone familiar with the 450 Watts?
« on: June 29, 2006, 09:39:09 AM »
Recently I saw a rifle advertised in 450 Watts.Supposedly it's a 375H&H
cartridge blown out/fire formed to 458,and it was advertised as being faster than a 458Lott with equal weight projectiles.
Anyone familiar with it?

Offline gunnut69

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Anyone familiar with the 450 Watts?
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2006, 06:53:28 PM »
The Lott variant was a longer 458 WinMag. It allowed the 500 grain bullet to reach advertised velocities with less pressure and without having to use compressed loads.. I've not heard much of the 450 Watts but there is such a thing as too much.. From what I've read and heard in conversations the 458winchester is well thought of because it's enough, and NOT too much. The Lott also allows the use of winchester mag ammo in a pinch.  As I get older the bigger rounds gain more appeal but this aging carcuss just won't let me have sooo.. much fun.
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Offline Judson

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Anyone familiar with the 450 Watts?
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2006, 07:30:44 PM »
You can make m.458 Loyy cases  by blowing out the .375 H&H cases with fire forming so the Watts is basically a .458 Lott.    Case capisity for case capisity and bullet weight being the same the only way to get more velosity is to increase pressure.    I would bet the pressure in the Watts is highter then the Lott.     But, if you want a .458 with more then a Win. Mag why not go to the .450 Rigby?
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Offline gunnut69

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Anyone familiar with the 450 Watts?
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2006, 09:45:55 AM »
Hey Judson!! Glad to see you.. while you are half right the pressure in a rifle exists in 2 references- peak pressure and time(duration). Thus you can increase velocity by incrasing pressures(usually) or by maintaining the peak pressure for a long time reference. This equates to a push of the same pressure on the bullet's base but for a longer distance down the bore.  This is the reason the big magnums use large quantities of relatively slow burning powders.. ssooooo - more case capacity equals more velocity- at the same pressures,,,all else being equal..of course.  The Lott is about .350" longer than a 458winmag. This is just enough to generate the 458 mag velocities at the same pressures and avoid compressed powder charges, common in the 458WinMag.. The Watts as listed in AmmoGuide is about .005 inches longer than the Lott and is thus about .350-.400 inches longer than the 458 Winchester. Also all the belted mag rounds(most anyway) are derivatives of the 375 case, to one extent or another.  Whether I'd bother with the trouble of a wildcat is based on the rifles price and how badly I needed such a cannon.
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"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."