I made the grip frame myself. I had a Grovers Improved #5 and although it was an outstanding revolver I never cared for the loading gate on the opposite side that I was use too, plus it was a 44 mag and I wanted a 44special. I don't have the funds to have hamilton Bowen build me one of his #5's so I improvised with a Colt NF in 44special with a 5.5" barrel. I bought a Bisley backstap and another SA backstrap, cut them and welded them together. I talked to an engraver that has an original tracing of Keiths#5 grip and asked him if I could get a copy of it,(he said no) as he and Bowen do buisness together and Bowen is building copies of the #5. But he did tell how to go about doing it, he has done it himself and it really is not that hard! It came out really nice.
John Anderson