a good load for cylinder bore is powder,, nitro card,, fiber wad with gob of lube on botom of fiber wad(tc bore butter works fine in all weather conditions)many homeade lubes can be found..,,shot,, over shot wad.. pack the powder and wads not the shot........ remove caps before loading single barrel after shooting.. re seat unshot barrel, as shot likes to move up barrel with succesive shots... measure load with ramrod lenght protruding out of barrel with fingers and make sure that each loading conforms to that or pull the load.... to tighten patterns use larger shot, more shot, less powder, harder shot(plated shot) , , to open up patterns use more powder, less shot, smaller shot, chilled (softer) shot,, pack shot.. to stop loads from working loose use two overshot cards and turn them so the punch bent edges face toward the muzzel.... good luck , dave.