With Bobcats on the protected list here, I would have to go with the Red Fox.
The Red fox has been adequatly described above. The only precautions that I take with
This critter is to box myself in a little bit to the sides and to the rear.
The possibility is that the fox will jump in the blind, bite you, realize what you are, then It
goes on it's merry way while you head on in to start your series of 14 rabie shots in the
Same area of the stomach.
I have had fox in my stand in the past...have also had coyotes in the stand...the look of
Deadly intent turning to wide eyed suprise is hilarious but I really would prefer not to have
These encounters and my stand selection in these later years has been suffiecent enough
to avoid them.
Bad..or buried in locations are partly responsible for my handle here although they do go
Back several years. This was in the midts of hilly country with taller pasture grass that was pock marked with divots and runoff areas. COYOTE...20 YARDS.. Glance---Blamm I had suffiecint vision
But allowed too much cover which enabled them to circle around, or snake on it.
It made for some very exciting hunts and was not really hard on the fur due to shooting at areas like the ears or skull cap but could be.
Still a great subject though...
We have always had a few Bobcats around but the numbers have been increasing! They
Have increased enough that the DNR ask if the hunter had seen any while Deer hunting
On completing the mandatory Deer check in on last years permit.
I have only seen but one and it has been a few years. Have never called one in but when
We get the sub-zero temps, and most sane people are at home, I keep an open mind on
The possibilitys of calling in even a lion.
I will be very watchfull this year. Knew of a case where a hunter had called in a cat but decided to
Ignore it as there was a $50 dollar coyote (at that time) off to his right.
He went on to say that he gave that cat an exciting 10sec ride on his shoulders!
Sometimes I will get a Racoon to come to the call but can wave them off easily. I am ever watchfull of the Great Horned Owl and have had more than one CLOSE encounter. Some guys will go as far as to wear a hardhat at night but I dont go to that extreme.
It would be great to call a Bobcat in though. Might be able to get a picture but I dont take the camera alot because of my ability to break or lose these high dollar items. I did take it last year on my second hunt cause I took a double on the coyotes on my first hunt.
It payed off as I got a double that time also and got a picture and am more inclined to take it everytime now. Gotta Go before I start abusing this post. If you want to go get your coffee I will be glad to talk though.