Welcome ranchand99,
You must be talking about my "LE"? It is a Limited Edition with the medallion in the stock, nothing special really, just has a NEF receiver and looks like the H&R Ultra Slug Hunter Deluxe sans the checkering.
All the 20 ga have a 1-28" twist, the 12 ga is 1-35" in the H&R/NEF slug guns. Do you know how old the gun is? The second lettter in the serial # will let you know the year of manufacture.
HR = 2001, HS = 2002, HT = 2003, HU = 2004, HV = 2005, HW = 2006
You can continue backwards, but they do not use O's or Q's in the serial numbers, so HP = 2000, HN = 1999, HM = 1998 etc,.
If the gun is in good condition, with the scope and slugs, I would say it is a fair deal as long as the scope is something you like. You can buy a new one in my area for about $260 full bore retail, so you are going to have to make the call. Good luck.