Author Topic: Senate's Comprehensive Immigration Reform=Superhighway  (Read 543 times)

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Senate's Comprehensive Immigration Reform=Superhighway
« on: August 01, 2006, 09:24:11 PM »
A couple of remarks on our elected officials 'concern' for conservative Bay .......TM7
The Globalists Highway to Heaven
Dear Friends,

 Recently I received a scurry of e-mails from people alarmed about some super highway, one that would cut America in half. I dismissed them—the idea was a bit of a stretch for me. Now I am not so certain. Let me tell you why.

 According to a several websites it appears that our President has authorized a number of working groups to develop plans to build an International Corridor that would run from a large Mexican port on the Pacific, through Laredo, Texas up to Kansas City, and then onto Detroit, ending on the eastern coast of Canada.

 According to Human Events’ writer Jerome R. Corsi, a group calling itself the North Amercan SuperCorridor Coalition Inc., (NASCO) “has received $2.5 million in earmarks from the U.S. Department of Transportation to plan the NAFTA Super Highway as a 10 lane limited access road plus passenger and freight rail lines running along side pipelines laid for oil and natural gas.”

 The purpose is to move more foreign goods into our malls faster and cheaper. Containers of goods from the Far East would come ashore in Mexico and be sent up the international corridor using Mexican trucks or rail, right into the newly created ‘Smart Port’ in Kansas City. There the containers will be transferred to trucks heading east and west to our cities and towns.

 It’s the Globalists’ Highway to Heaven. It allows them to bypass America’s longshoreman and truckers, and all the messy problems associated with dealing with American workers. The Super Highway is international—it will not be regulated by the US. The land on which it is to be built will be the property of some international body; and there's no border to cross until the goods are transferred to the trucks in Kansas City-- on then do you enter the U.S.

What a creative idea-- a big global road cutting America in half. I can't imagine why he wouldn't want to share this with Middle America or thier representatives in Congress.

But it does shed some light on the President's unwillingness to secure our border. Bush has made a pact to let foreigners travel 100 mph right into the heartland of our nation without so much as a speed bump. A 2,000 mile fence does seem rather farcical under the circumstances.

It also may explain several sectuons under the so called "comprehensive immigration reform bill" that just passed the U.S. Senate.

Section 114 of the bill requires that the U.S. establish a program to improve "the security of Mexico's southern border”. That would be the one with Guatemala and Belize; you know-- the one we’ve all been so concerned about over the years. The bill instructs us to “provide needed equipment, technical assistance, and vehicles to manage, regulate, and patrol” Guatemala and Belize’s border with Mexico.

 Then there is Section 117. It requires the Secretary of State to work with Mexican officials to educate Mexican nationals regarding the eligibility for nonimmigrant status in the U.S. to ensure they are not exploited while working here, and to assist in the development of opportunities and provide job training for Mexican nationals. So that’s what all those Senators mean when the call for “comprehensive immigration reform”.

 This same section of the bill requires U.S. officials to consult with Mexico before we build any border fence. Imagine, our national leaders actually passed a bill that would require our government to consult with a foreign government before we took the necessary action to secure the nation.

 But not to worry, President Bush has no intention of building any structure along the border even if 92% of Americans are demanding it. He is going to secure Greater North America—no need to worry about the smaller one we call home, that would be just as pointless as securing the border between Georgia and Florida.

 And if you think I’m being facetious, consider his recent commitment to secure the border: promising to send 6,000 National Guardsmen down there this summer, 2,500 by the end of June. It didn’t happen—in fact, less than 1,000 guardsmen have been sent, and the White House could care less. In response to criticism,the President’s Press Secretary, Tony Snow, responded: “It’s overblown”.

 But the White House’s arrogance is costing them dearly—the President’s poll numbers are in the toilet, with no hope of reviving them. Americans no longer believe or trust him, and it is his own fault. The people gave him the benefit of the doubt on Iraq—but they are not going to forgive him for the illegal invasion his policies have encouraged or the arrogance with which he is ignoring the will of the people to secure this nation.

 In all my days in politics I have never seen such anger in this country—not with Nixon, not with Clinton. People have had it. They see the awful consequences of illegal immigration all around them. They know we are losing this country and they rightfully blame Washington.

 As November approaches and the flow of illegals continues unabated, the anger will grow wider and deeper. And, friends, in spite of what Karl Rove may say, flag burning and gay marriage are not going to save the Republicans majorities.

- Bay Buchanan

Offline williamlayton

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Re: Senate's Comprehensive Immigration Reform=Superhighway
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2006, 12:12:45 AM »
We just want you boys up north to enjoy the benefits of these folks easier. ;)
From the looks of things, on a more serious note, The thinking/plan is like most of these folks plans, NOT WELL THOUGHT OUT. That is a one way highway---if the meaning of the comment is taken correctly.
This Highway already exist and concstruction to make it a corridor has been under way for several years now.

Offline rockbilly

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Re: Senate's Comprehensive Immigration Reform=Superhighway
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2006, 06:56:26 AM »
Ricky "Boy" Perry has awarded a contract to a Spanish (Spain) company to build the "Super Highway".  A receent article in the Dallas paper stated it would be a toll road, run and maintained by a group of overseas investors.

I am not really concerned with where the road goes, my question is where the hell is this county going?

Offline rockbilly

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Re: Senate's Comprehensive Immigration Reform=Superhighway
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2006, 07:34:46 AM »
Gottchya, and agree totally.  When we gonna take her back?

Poli-ticking today is a big money game.  We no longer elect anyone, the person with the most bucks buys the office, makes the laws, and conducts business in their best intrest. Take a look at King George and his court of fools, have they really done anything for you, or for the good of the masses?